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Why's it all Hurst's fault ?

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August 31, 2015, 10:13pm
Beer Drinker
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How can it all be PH's fault ? He's put together a very good squad of 18 / 19 first team players, with the help of operation promotion I don't think there are any squad players this year.   Anyone of our squad should be able to slot straight into the first team.  Unlike last year, tinkering with this squad should not be an issue, we don't have any Parslow's, Bignot's or Hannah's.

So how can it all be Hurst's fault ? surely the majority of the blame should rest with the players.  It's not Hurst making the individual errors, it's not Hurst missing gilt edged chances.  

I think everybody of here agrees we have a promotion winning squad.  Now's the time for the players to step up to the plate, starting on Saturday they need to take some responsibility for the poor results and with 3 points take the pressure off their manager, stop making silly mistakes and become more ruthless.
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August 31, 2015, 10:16pm
Table Wine Drinker
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he's good at scouting but explain the five changes for todays game and loss? the respect he tends to give other teams and the general tinkering with the squad all the time.
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August 31, 2015, 10:16pm
Vodka Drinker
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Because unfortunatley he is still the manager !

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August 31, 2015, 10:17pm

Barley Wine Drinker
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Players deserve some flak though Jonny, cant all be ph fault
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August 31, 2015, 10:18pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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So Paul Hurst has put together a very good squad, and here we are still losing to the likes of Altrincham and Macclesfield and 12 points behind the leaders at the end of August.

So who is to blame?
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August 31, 2015, 10:19pm
Vodka Drinker
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Fair point hagrid but has it been the players fault the last 4 and half years too ?

Its the manager who has to take responsibilty.

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August 31, 2015, 10:22pm
Lager Top Drinker
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Its the players and PH fault,  at the end of the day the players aren't playing to their ability at the moment and the manager is the one who will pay with his job.

He wont be sacked anyway, no matter how much some of the fans cry for it, myself included, Fenty will give him until November/December and go from there.

Just need to start winning soon because a 12 point gap already is a joke!
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August 31, 2015, 10:23pm

Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from Hagrid
Players deserve some flak though Jonny, cant all be ph fault

Players are getting flack tonight or you got your eyes closed, but the manager has to take the blame....his team, his players, his tactics,his negative attitude...

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August 31, 2015, 10:26pm
Cocktail Drinker
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How about not bigging up every tin pot team we come up against in this league, how about some proper leadership instill some confidence let them know they are the best set of players in the league.

With the squads he's been allowed to assemble year in year out any old Sunday league manager would get us in the play offs as a minimum, that's why we need someone that can motivate the team and take us to the next level.

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August 31, 2015, 10:32pm
Special Brew Drinker
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Quoted from Hagrid
Players deserve some flak though Jonny, cant all be ph fault

He buys the players, he trains the players, he picks the team, he sets the tactics. If the team doesn't perform consistently well the manager ought to look in the mirror before he looks on the field.

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August 31, 2015, 10:36pm
Barley Wine Drinker
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Quoted from Squinter
How can it all be PH's fault ? He's put together a very good squad of 18 / 19 first team players, with the help of operation promotion I don't think there are any squad players this year.   Anyone of our squad should be able to slot straight into the first team.  Unlike last year, tinkering with this squad should not be an issue, we don't have any Parslow's, Bignot's or Hannah's.

So how can it all be Hurst's fault ? surely the majority of the blame should rest with the players.  It's not Hurst making the individual errors, it's not Hurst missing gilt edged chances.  

I think everybody of here agrees we have a promotion winning squad.  Now's the time for the players to step up to the plate, starting on Saturday they need to take some responsibility for the poor results and with 3 points take the pressure off their manager, stop making silly mistakes and become more ruthless.

Sort of historical, if you get paid to sign the players and pick a team, and then they lose, the buck stops with you. Unless you blame the board who chose you in the first place........
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Reply: 10 - 22
August 31, 2015, 10:52pm

Recovering Alcoholic
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Adkins got the sack after 2 promotions to the Prem because Southampton felt he had taken them as far as his talents could go. There's no room for sentiment. Football is sink or swim and Hurst knows that.
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August 31, 2015, 11:25pm
Meths Drinker
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It's always the players' fault, or the officials', or the fans', or anyone but the man who makes the decisions.

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September 1, 2015, 4:38am

Vodka Drinker
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Quoted from Squinter
How can it all be PH's fault ? He's put together a very good squad of 18 / 19 first team players, with the help of operation promotion I don't think there are any squad players this year.   Anyone of our squad should be able to slot straight into the first team.  Unlike last year, tinkering with this squad should not be an issue, we don't have any Parslow's, Bignot's or Hannah's.

So how can it all be Hurst's fault ? surely the majority of the blame should rest with the players.  It's not Hurst making the individual errors, it's not Hurst missing gilt edged chances.  

I think everybody of here agrees we have a promotion winning squad.  Now's the time for the players to step up to the plate, starting on Saturday they need to take some responsibility for the poor results and with 3 points take the pressure off their manager, stop making silly mistakes and become more ruthless.

Dear oh dear

The buck stops with Hurst he will never get us promoted as long as he has a hole in his bottom.

In his three stints as Grimsby Town manager spanning over 10 years the club was never relegated and he also guided them to three promotions.
Only 14 managers have reached 1,000 matches in charge of a Football League team by 1998 and Buckley is one of them.
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September 1, 2015, 8:55am
Vodka Drinker
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Why is it Hurst's fault

a) Because he's paid to take the final responsibility (although he never seems to) and
b) because he's useless and clueless

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Reply: 14 - 22
September 1, 2015, 10:13am
Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from Squinter
How can it all be PH's fault ? He's put together a very good squad of 18 / 19 first team players, with the help of operation promotion I don't think there are any squad players this year.   Anyone of our squad should be able to slot straight into the first team.  Unlike last year, tinkering with this squad should not be an issue, we don't have any Parslow's, Bignot's or Hannah's.

So how can it all be Hurst's fault ? surely the majority of the blame should rest with the players.  It's not Hurst making the individual errors, it's not Hurst missing gilt edged chances.  

I think everybody of here agrees we have a promotion winning squad.  Now's the time for the players to step up to the plate, starting on Saturday they need to take some responsibility for the poor results and with 3 points take the pressure off their manager, stop making silly mistakes and become more ruthless.

So he's build a good squad does that make him a good manager or a good scout? If he built a good squad and we was flying high, playing really well and putting teams away like we should be (especially at bp) then yeah ill agree, hes a good manager but he's definitely not a good manager, hes had 4 years or however long its been and each year has been a failure and judging by recent performances/results this season is going exactly the same way, we need a change now before the season is gone, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain
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September 1, 2015, 10:45am

Special Brew Drinker
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PH put down our consistency in the latter part of last season to the team spirit in the squad. In the summer he kept 10 of the 12 players he wanted so that team spirit should have carried on. During the summer he has added some real quality ( at this level ) and has consequently assembled the best squad we have seen since dropping to this level. We have a really good pre-season and see some good performances against higher level opposition. Then the season starts and Paul " Tinkerman " Hurst  starts to disassemble all that good work. He tries to accommodate  all three centre-backs in his team when it is obvious that Toto is not a natural right back. He even brought in a conventional right-back but didn't play him - why ? After 3 games we have 7 points and things look on track and then we have a set-back at Alty. A Macca howler and a poor officials decision cost us the game but instead of accepting that for what it was PH decides to tinker again. Dis and Clay had been a good combination in mid-field for a lot of last season with Brown also making a valued contribution. So we lose Brown to injury and we get ( what I thought ) was cover for him in the form of Robinson. But The Tinkerman sees things differently and straight away puts Robinson in for Clay and the mid-field immediately suffers. I'm sure that did a lot for Clays confidence and the team spirit in general ! I have it on good authority that part of the deal in getting Robinson here was a guaranteed start every game. Now I don't know how true that is but it would explain why he has started every game since arriving. Yesterday PH fu*ked up big time in dropping both Dis and Funky Monkey to the bench. It's possible that the Lincoln game took a lot out of them but I'm sure they could have played the first 60 mins with the intention of getting us into a decent lead and then bring on fresh legs. Macca looks totally bereft of confidence and could be still suffering from his illness but if that is the case then he should be honest with the management instead of trying to battle on. My biggest criticism with PH is that when he gets things wrong he won't admit it. FFS Hurst grow some balls and admit to your mistakes 'cos if you don't then the fans will really turn against you and you'll be history come Christmas. Then you will become another " nearly man " in football management because I cannot see another club at this level giving you the chances we have and certainly no league club will entertain you. The ball is in your court Hurst turn this club's results around quickly or f*ck off and give another manager the ideal opportunity to get our club promoted.

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September 1, 2015, 10:55am

Cocktail Drinker
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^^^^^^good post ^^^^^^^

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September 1, 2015, 11:00am
Shandy Drinker
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Personally I think all this tinker man is easy to criticise!
Did Macclesfield ever like scoring in the first half until an error from Macca??
Did any of the players that came in play badly? I thought both the wingers and clay played well.
Toto had to come in due to suspension of Gowling.
Most want Tait to play and he did ok.

Easy to blame changes, but I still believe we looked in control of the game until the keeper error.

It's easy to support a team that's winning, let's show real support and encourage our team when things aren't as good.

Referee, have a word with yourself!! 😦
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Reply: 18 - 22
September 1, 2015, 11:28am

Cocktail Drinker
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Quoted from Daz460
Personally I think all this tinker man is easy to criticise!
Did Macclesfield ever like scoring in the first half until an error from Macca??
Did any of the players that came in play badly? I thought both the wingers and clay played well.
Toto had to come in due to suspension of Gowling.
Most want Tait to play and he did ok.

Easy to blame changes, but I still believe we looked in control of the game until the keeper error.

It's easy to support a team that's winning, let's show real support and encourage our team when things aren't as good.

Sure your called Daz..?  

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grimsby pete
September 1, 2015, 12:07pm

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Cheltenham played with 10 men for nearly all the game on Saturday,

Their manager did not make 5 changes,

Cheltenham won against a side ( Wrexham ) who had just won 5 on the bounce,

Parslow and Pell play for them, Christ ! our cast offs in a team  near the top.

PS. The Cheltenham manager never mentioned the tired word to anybody.

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September 1, 2015, 1:04pm

Coke Drinker
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If PH didn't make changes on Sat and we lost he would be slated. We are all frustrated/angry, we need to calm down.

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September 1, 2015, 2:21pm
Shandy Drinker
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Quoted from ackomariner

Sure your called Daz..?  

Yes I just checked my name tag in my gloves 😀

Referee, have a word with yourself!! 😦
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