The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

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Norwegian Eliteserien Injured Footballers

The following players are currently injured or unavailable for Norwegian Eliteserien games in the next week of the 2019 season.

Norwegian Eliteserien Injuries
Currently there are no known injuries in Norwegian Eliteserien. Injuries appear a few days before a game. Please try again later.

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Thread TitlePostsLatest Post
"Beat the Clock"  Salford9cmackenzie413/03 14:20
Prediction Thread Salford Home 24.2516cmackenzie413/03 14:20
Seat count required?22Croxton13/03 13:29
Just Back76grimsby pete13/03 12:30
Burning tanker42Mallyner13/03 09:09
TV Games/Upcoming Fixtures4SiteBot13/03 03:30
Artell post match24grimsby pete13/03 00:42
Khouri Turi5Maringer12/03 23:13
The squad and injuries9HertsGTFC12/03 20:16
Barrington song23toontown12/03 18:50

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