The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

Question of the Week

Is football a business or a sport?

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This site is written by the fans for the fans, and we will consider articles on any subject relating to the Mariners whether it be related to current news, a nostalgic look back in the past, a story about a player, a game or games in the past, or something about Blundell Park.

The topic is up to you! It's your soapbox so get writing! You can use the form below to submit your article, which should be at least 150 words long. There is no upper limit on the length of an article.

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Thread TitlePostsLatest Post
Saturdays game as a neutral6HelensburghMariner25/03 16:49
Prediction Thread Colchester Away 24.2511thespiffing25/03 16:47
Hurst gone70diehardmariner25/03 16:39
SUMMER SIGNINGS43jamesgtfc25/03 14:17
RIP Billo35Phisch25/03 14:16
Attendances at BP 69diehardmariner25/03 13:59
England v Albania / Latvia21Maringer25/03 12:04
Scunthorpe.4,750Heisenberg25/03 07:49
TV Games/Upcoming Fixtures3SiteBot25/03 03:30
Geza David Turi23WayneBurnettsJockstrap25/03 00:22

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