The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

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Europa League Injured Footballers

The following players are currently injured or unavailable for Europa League games in the next week of the 2013-2014 season.

The player's number of league appearances this season, and the total minutes played in these games, are also shown.

Europa League Injuries
Next game: 13-Mar - Athletic Bilbao v AS Roma
AS Roma
A. Salah-EddineInactive0 appearances
L. Gourna-DouathInactive0 appearances
R. MarinInjury0 appearances
Z. CelikThigh Injury0 appearances
Athletic Bilbao
A. DjaloAnkle Injury0 appearances
D. VivianThigh Injury0 appearances
O. SancetMuscle Injury0 appearances
Y. AlvarezRed Card0 appearances
Next game: 13-Mar - Eintracht Frankfurt v Ajax
A. van Axel DongenAnkle Injury0 appearances
B. BrobbeyKnee Injury0 appearances
C. RasmussenHamstring Injury0 appearances
J. HendersonYellow Cards0 appearances
O. WijndalKnee Injury0 appearances
R. PasveerGroin Injury0 appearances
W. WeghorstToe Injury0 appearances
Y. RegeerAnkle Injury0 appearances
Eintracht Frankfurt
A. AmendaInactive0 appearances
A. TheateMuscle Injury0 appearances
J. Dina EbimbeInactive0 appearances
J. GrahlInactive0 appearances
K. LisztesInactive0 appearances
N. CollinsYellow Cards0 appearances
O. HojlundInactive0 appearances
T. ChandlerThigh Injury0 appearances
Next game: 13-Mar - Lazio v Plzen
E. HysajThigh Injury0 appearances
L. PellegriniInactive0 appearances
N. RovellaRed Card0 appearances
N. TavaresMuscle Injury0 appearances
S. GigotRed Card0 appearances
T. CastellanosThigh Injury0 appearances
C. KabongoKnee Injury0 appearances
C. SeneInactive0 appearances
C. SouareInjury0 appearances
D. VasulinIllness0 appearances
M. HavelIllness0 appearances
Next game: 13-Mar - Olympiacos v Bodo Glimt
Bodo Glimt
D. BassiThigh Injury0 appearances
G. VettiAnkle Injury0 appearances
S. BurakovskyInactive0 appearances
S. FetInjury0 appearances
S. SkeideKnee Injury0 appearances
A. El KaabiInjury0 appearances
C. KostoulasMuscle Injury0 appearances
D. GarciaInactive0 appearances
Y. YaziciKnee Injury0 appearances
Next game: 13-Mar - Man Utd v Real Sociedad
Man Utd
A. BayindirInjury0 appearances
A. DialloAnkle Injury0 appearances
C. ObiInactive0 appearances
H. MaguireHamstring Injury0 appearances
J. EvansMuscle Injury0 appearances
K. MainooInjury0 appearances
L. MartinezKnee Injury0 appearances
L. ShawCalf Injury0 appearances
L. YoroFoot Injury0 appearances
M. MountThigh Injury0 appearances
Real Sociedad
J. PachecoMuscle Injury0 appearances
L. SucicInjury0 appearances
Next game: 13-Mar - Olympique Lyonnais v Steaua Bucharest
Steaua Bucharest
A. PanteaMuscle Injury0 appearances
D. BirligeaMuscle Injury0 appearances
D. OlaruShoulder Injury0 appearances
M. LixandruMuscle Injury0 appearances
O. PopescuInjury0 appearances
W. BaetenInactive0 appearances
Next game: 13-Mar - Rangers v Fenerbahce
B. KapacakInactive0 appearances
C. SoyuncuInjury0 appearances
Diego CarlosKnee Injury0 appearances
J. OosterwoldeKnee Injury0 appearances
L. MercanInactive0 appearances
O. AydinInactive0 appearances
Rodrigo BecaoKnee Injury0 appearances
S. AzizInactive0 appearances
N. KasanwirjoKnee Injury0 appearances
O. CortesInactive0 appearances
R. FernandesInactive0 appearances
R. PropperInjury0 appearances
Next game: 13-Mar - Tottenham v AZ Alkmaar
AZ Alkmaar
J. AddaiAnkle Injury0 appearances
L. SchoutenInjury0 appearances
M. LahdoInjury0 appearances
M. MeerdinkMuscle Injury0 appearances
R. van BommelInjury0 appearances
S. MijnansMuscle Injury0 appearances
S. WesterveldKnee Injury0 appearances
A. KinskyInactive0 appearances
B. DaviesMuscle Injury0 appearances
D. KulusevskiFoot Injury0 appearances
F. ForsterInactive0 appearances
K. DansoHamstring Injury0 appearances
R. BentancurYellow Cards0 appearances
R. DragusinKnee Injury0 appearances
RicharlisonCalf Injury0 appearances
S. ReguilonInactive0 appearances
T. WernerInactive0 appearances

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