The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

2023 FA Euro New York Results

Thu 13-07
 USL League TwoUSL2New Jersey CopaHome2‑3L
Wed 12-07
 USL League TwoUSL2ManhattanHome0‑3 L
Mon 10-07
 USL League TwoUSL2Hudson Valley HammersHome1‑3 L
Thu 06-07
 USL League TwoUSL2IronboundHome1‑0W
Sat 01-07
 USL League TwoUSL2New Jersey CopaAway1‑3L
Mon 26-06
 USL League TwoUSL2Cedar Stars RushHome3‑0 W
Thu 22-06
 USL League TwoUSL2FC Motown IIAway0‑1 L
Sun 18-06
 USL League TwoUSL2Westchester FlamesAway0‑1 L
Mon 12-06
 USL League TwoUSL2Long Island Rough RidersAway0‑5 L
Mon 05-06
 USL League TwoUSL2ManhattanAway1‑2 L
Thu 01-06
 USL League TwoUSL2Westchester FlamesHome2‑2D
Mon 29-05
 USL League TwoUSL2Cedar Stars RushAway0‑6L
Thu 25-05
 USL League TwoUSL2Long Island Rough RidersHome0‑2 L
Sat 20-05
 USL League TwoUSL2Morris EliteAway1‑1 D

Forum Latest
Thread TitlePostsLatest Post
Prediction Thread Salford Home 24.2516cmackenzie413/03 14:20
Seat count required?22Croxton13/03 13:29
"Beat the Clock"  Salford8WayneBurnettsJockstrap13/03 12:46
Just Back76grimsby pete13/03 12:30
Burning tanker42Mallyner13/03 09:09
TV Games/Upcoming Fixtures4SiteBot13/03 03:30
Artell post match24grimsby pete13/03 00:42
Khouri Turi5Maringer12/03 23:13
The squad and injuries9HertsGTFC12/03 20:16
Barrington song23toontown12/03 18:50

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