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David Smith Interview

By: Nigel Winn
Date: 08/08/2000

David Smith Interview Part One

David Smith
David Smith (above) interviewed by Nigel Winn

Click here to hear the David Smith interview in Real Audio

With the start of the new season looming I'm with David Smith who of course Grimsby Town International Supporters Club have been the kit sponsors for for the last few seasons. For those members who are away from Grimsby and don't know your history perhaps you could give a brief career history until up to the present day

I started at Coventry when I was 16 and did an apprenticeship for 2 years, then signed professional forms and stayed there until I was about 23. I played a couple of hundred games I think all told for Coventry back in the late eighties and early nineties, and moved to Birmingham in 1993, stayed there for 11 months. After that I moved onto West Brom in 1994 and stayed there for near four years, I think it was, before moving to Town in January 1998.

You've scored a few goals since you've been at Grimsby and some spectacular ones. Is there any in your career that jump to mind as the favourite?

Obviously a lot of people from Town will remember the first goal I scored on my debut which was one of those sometimes that they fly in the top corner or they hit the stand somewhere. During my career I've scored a few but possibly the first goal I ever scored for Coventry was my best. It was a half-volley on my right foot and I'll probably won't hit another ball as sweet as that again. So that stands out, not just because it was the first goal, but also the manner in which it went it in.

We've had a bad season last year with injuries. Has your career been injury free in the main, or have you suffered?

I suppose like most players I've had the odd niggles here and there, they tend to be of the same nature. But touch wood I've not had any real major surgery apart from a hernia. Other than the odd muscle pulls (touch wood) nothing too serious.

Do you have a favourite starting position? I know Alan tends to play you down the left hand side. Have a preference for being on the wing or at full back?

I don't mind really playing in either position. The full back position has come to me later in my career and I'm probably more inclined to go forward so I would have to say that playing further up the pitch probably suits me better. But having said that I do enjoy playing left back, it's a totally different outlook on the game, and one which when I play I enjoy.

We've had a number of debates on the mailing list over the last few years about Catherine's lucky knickers and my lucky underpants. Are you one of these superstitious players?

Not really. You know you maybe do things similarly for a while and then if you find that's not working then you maybe change things around a bit, like the way you put your kit on and so on. Basically I just do whatever. I think that superstition went out the window long ago.

I must remember to get rid of my underpants then.

The interview continues in Part Two

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