The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

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Is football a business or a sport?

Going, going, gone
Going, going, gone

Rob Scott Departs

By: Rob Sedgwick
Date: 19/09/2013 (Last updated: 20/09/2013)

GRIMSBY manager Rob Scott has been dismissed for "gross misconduct", leaving his erstwhile partner Paul Hurst in sole charge.

Scott had appealed to a disciplinary panel but his case was dismissed, according to a statement from the club today. An incident occurred during the Nuneaton match at Blundell Park which, together with a string of fines and other outbursts, was the final straw for the club's board.

Despite the 4-0 drubbing at the hands of Halifax last night and a generally mediocre start to the season the remaining manager Paul Hurst was publicly endorsed by leading shareholder John Fenty last night. The former chairman, who still bankrolls the club, rang up a radio station during a fans forum last night to say the club were fully behind their new manager.

Paul Hurst will now have to get a new assistant to help him with the role.

Grim Rob Says: Thanks to Rob Scott, who helped Grimsby to have a good season last year, and it's a shame he couldn't control his temper. He's only a young manager so hopefully will learn from this experience if he is to continue to work in the game.

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