The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

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GTST Launch

Date: 28/02/2003

THE official PUBLIC LAUNCH of the Grimsby Town Supporters Trust will be held on Sun March 9th, at the Winter Gardens, Cleethorpes.

The main events of the day will begin at 4pm, at which David Otter, the acting chairman of GTST, will present the objectives of GTST to interested parties. A motion will be put to the audience to vote the working party members in as the acting board of GTST until the first AGM is held, and to approve the constitution and objectives that have been set. A representative from Supporters Direct will also be available to answer any questions that may be asked.

A caricaturist and face painter will also be available to entertain the attendees, as well as a 'beat the goalie' competition. X-boxes, kindly donated by Microsoft, will also be available for use.

The new GTST beer, brewed by Tom Woods, will also be on sale for people to try out, with each pint sold resulting in a donation to GTST! There will also be a raffle, with great prizes donated by local businesses to be won.

During the evening - to start at 7pm and running until 10pm, entertainment will be provided first by local Duo 'BREATHLESS', followed by the local Abba tribute group 'YABBA DABBA'.

For further details, please contact:

David Otter
Telephone: (Home) 01472 590807
(Mobile): 07752 695987

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